It's so typical. Warm weather during the week while we're stuck in an office and not able to do much in the way of outdoor activities. Then comes the long bank holiday weekend, and we just get loads of rain.
Saturday wasn't too bad. I managed to get down to the track and do a session at Herne Hill Velodrome in the morning. But by Saturday early evening the heavens had opened. It was a bit annoying but it didn't stop Him Indoors and I from going out for a meal. However, when it was still raining on Sunday morning things went beyond a joke. Yeah, I'm a bit of a fair weather cyclist at heart. I'll go out if it's spitting or drizzling. Fair enough, if it's a race that I've pre-entered I'll show up regardless of the weather, so long as the event's not cancelled. But why should I choose to go out on a training ride when it's bucketing down and I've got a perfectly functioning turbo trainer at home ! Hats off to those who do ride in all weathers, but I'll just leave them to get on with it !
For all the bad weather Him Indoors and I did manage to get out and do a 2hour spin around Kent during a gap in the showers.
What has been a real pain though was the rain today. Wall to wall precipitation. Really annoying, and grim. The track omnium that I was meant to do at Herne Hill was cancelled due to the bad weather. Because it's an outdoor track the circuit is affected by rain, and it's not possible to use it in the wet. Unfortunately the track omnium scheduled for the Mayday Bank Holiday was also cancelled due to rain. In fact, of the 7 omnium events that have been scheduled for May, only 1 has taken place - the one I did last Wednesday. There's meant to be more track racing this Wednesday evening. We can only keep our fingers crossed that the rain stays away.
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