Friday, 23 November 2012

Thanks Guys!

Sorry I'm a day out, but better late than never! Just wanted to say thanks to all those who read/have read/will read my blog. I've somehow managed to keep it going since 2007, albeit with a few gaps.

I have tried to make it an interesting, enjoyable read, and hope that folks have found some useful tips from my travels and experiences.

I plan to keep the blog going and will post items as much as I can. As my daily activities involve writing in various capacities I have found in recent years I have spread myself a little thinly. But I don't plan to abandon 2wheelchick just yet! Hope you bear with me!

Anyway folks, thanks for reading my musings!

Happy Turkey Day to my US readers, and cheers, to everyone else!


Anonymous said...

Keep going.

This is a great blog - it's varied, interesting, factual, detailed, insightful and personal. 2wheelchick offers perspective but above all it's honest, straightforward and a pleasure to read.

Great work, and great work is never easy or straightforward to create. That's a skill.

Keep going.


2Wheel Chick said...

Thanks for your encouragement Tim. It's always nice to get such positive comments. Glad you like the Blog! Maria:)