Saturday, 1 September 2007


Finally arrived somewhere that I can get on-line. We are in sunny Barcelona having a well deserved break after crossing the Pyrenees - countless cols and equally countless kilometres done. Forget Tourmalet and Marie-Blanque - the hardest part was negotiating an incredibly windy coast road from St Cyprien to Portbou - the Tramontane works in scary ways !!

We´ve had a great time, and are really pleased with our little adventure. (More about that + photos later.)

Anyway, off to do more lounging and sunbathing with Stan. We may even go to Sitges for the day (without our bikes). Mind you, there´s the slight snag of getting hold of our bike bags that we sent on to here when we arrived in Pau 8 days ago. The man at the pòst office says they are sitting in an office in Madrid right now. Hopefully it´ll be all right on the flight !

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