Monday, 24 September 2007

Pyrenean Adventure - Outro

St Cyprien Plage - Argele Plage - Coullioure - Port Vendres - Banyul sur Mer - Cerbere - Portbou = 40km
Portbou - Barcelona - 2hr train ride

So we reached the Med, celebrated the fact and then went home happy !

Memorable moments of the trip :

The threatening clouds lifting from the Pyrenean peaks and the sun bursting through when we reached the foot of the col de Marie Blanque. But then the excruciating pain of getting up to the summit.

Watching 500 crazies running up the col d'Aubisque early on a Sunday morning.

The delicious pizza we had at our lunch stop - Pizzeria des Nestes - in Arreau. Proprietor Daniel Niarquin also offers great snacks for cyclists.

The suffocating heat while riding up the col de Peyresourde.

The delicious meal we had at Les Trois Seigneurs, Massat. Madame Alonso was kind enough to open her restaurant specially to accommodate us and the other English blokes, when we discovered that there was no other restaurant open in the town. The food was esquisite - the decor was something else !

Bathing at Ax les Thermes

Riding up and down the Port de Pailheres in thick fog.

Being blown around from all sides by the Tramontane on the approach road to St Cyprien

Stanley being blown right over on the border crossing into Spain - all 100kg of man, bike and panniers !

Sunbathing all day long and people watching at Sitges plage.

Getting drunk at a locals bar in Sitges

Don't remember too much about the rest of the evening - we got the train back to Barcelona, and it involved me fooling around (and falling around) saying : "I'm the Fonz, I'm really cool !!"

Lounging in the Parc Ciutadella in Barcelona, enjoying the sun, but not looking forward to going back to London !

Our trip began with a ride in cold and fog through the village of Takeley, near Stansted at stupid o'clock in the morning. Our trip finished with a ride in cold and drizzle through Purley at stupid o'clock in the morning - nothing like coming full circle !

Would I do the trip again ? Probably, but I'll carry less luggage and more gears on my bike !
I look forward to doing another adventure. Maybe the Dolomites, the Picos Europa, or somewhere further a-field.

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