Tuesday 16 October 2007

No Cake for me !!

The good news is we supported the Ibbo Cake Quest - we made a donation. The bad news is I didn't get to do the ride. Stan was not well over the weekend so I had to be his Florence Nightingale !

I hear the ride was a success, with many enjoying a good day in the saddle - as Rohan, friend and fellow Fit-For team member of John's wrote :

"Something in the region of 150 riders took part in this fund raising event which aims to support two young hopefuls in their first year placed with a club in Northern France…

The weather was very kind to all starters with an early mist that hung around in several places, gradually burning off to reveal Surrey bathed in sunshine and glowing with stunning hues of amber leaves hanging on until the winds arrive with winter.
Riders were signed out in small groups at 5 minute intervals and were offered one of a range of small laminated pictures of Ibbo in action during his racing career or just stuffing his face at some café or other. These were tied to everyone’s bike before departure. A poignant reminder of why everyone was there…

Starting at the local village hall in Walton on the hill Surrey four different routes took riders of all abilities round some of the most scenic roads the area has to offer. The courses were all devised by Keith Butler, the man behind the Surrey League, and gave everyone a taste of John’s old stomping grounds and inevitably a couple of his favourite cake stops.

Upon return everyone was greeted with a warm welcome and awarded a medal before tucking in to a range of homemade cakes together with fresh rolls made while you wait and as much tea and coffee as you could drink. Even Mcvities had made a gesture of support and provided a pile of Jaffa cakes to keep hunger at bay…

The first “Ibbo’s Cake Quest” was certainly a success........... there is every intention to run this event annually."

I eventually did get a bit of time in the saddle when I did the cyclo cross race in the afternoon. It was nice to get some time in the saddle in the autumn sunshine, but it wasn't quite the same thing.
I must make sure I get to the next Ibbo Cake Quest.

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