Thursday, 4 October 2012

One Day One Photo - 25

Tuesday 25th September

Milan Fashion Week (Spring/Summer 2012 for women) came and went and I didn't see a thing of it. It lasted from 19th September until 25th, and most of that time I was in England. It was only when I returned to Milan that I noticed a red carpet around Via Dante, a road that leads from the Duomo to Castello Sforsezco. I also noticed some rather stylish looking women around the place. Style goes without saying in Milan, but the women I saw around the Duomo/Brera area looked uber-stylish, slyph-like with legs up to their chin. That had me guessing - also the fact that many of them were not not brunettes with olive complexioned skin also led me to believe that this international crowd were here for an event.

Apparently the main proceedings took place at the Castello Sforsezco - a large, 15th century castle that  houses a few museums, pretty gardens and a beautiful fountain. It would have been amazing to have seen a fashion show there.
I will just have to wait six months when they show next year's Autumn/Winter collection. In the meantime I will busy myself sprucing up my rather tired wardrobe. With a little luck, and a lot of je ne sais quoi I might even be able to look as stylish as this young lady who was spotted around Milan during Fashion Week.

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