Monday, 10 September 2012

One Day One Photo - 8

Saturday 8th September Since I've been in Milan I have found that my weekends have been quite taken up with various activities or trips. In fact there have not been that many weekends where I have been in Milan. True, it is customary for Milanesi folks to leave the city, especially when the weather is good.

The good thing is that Milan has alot of very nice places to go to which are in the nearby vicinity. Como has become almost like a home from home from home (when counting home as London)! I have been there a number of times for cycling and even hiking. I've also been up to the Italian Alps the Dolomites, Bergamo, and of course regular trips back to London.

This photo was taken when I was cycling to my destination last weekend - the Italian Riviera. Along the way the route goes through a region known as the Oltrepo Pavese, where there are lots of rolling hills full of vineyards. I couldn't help and stop and look at the vast expanse of grapes!

Sadly, that was the only set of photos I took along the way. My journey became quite an epic, torturous ride and I got too preoccupied to be taking photos. (A story for another post.) I eventually arrived at my hotel in Rapallo at around 2am on Sunday morning - despite having left my flat in Milan at 8am on Saturday! Anyway, this is what I prefer to remember about my ride down to the coast - the quiet, rolling roads, the vineyards in the picturesque setting - and of course the well deserved glass of wine that was from this region once I arrived at my destination.

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