Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Daily photo - 18: Another day another run - at South Norwood Lake

South Norwood Lake in the early morning, with Crystal Palace transmitter watching over
It is roughly six weeks to go before the New York Marathon so I must make sure to not step off the gas in my training. I don't particularly want to go crazy in my training as I need to make sure the running is gradual and my legs don't get completely shot. 

So in between my long runs or my harder intervals I like to do short easy runs of around 5km where there is no pace to run to, and it's just about admiring the area around. 

One of my favourite areas is around the corner from where I live. South Norwood Lake is an area I have run around for over 20 years. It is within easy reach of where I live now, and where I used to live, so it has been a constant - along with Crystal Palace Park. 

As I was doing an early morning run I really wanted to capture the lake in it's glory in the autumn sunshine. I also took the time to notice the Crystal Palace transmitters and how they dominate the local skyline, and watch over the local area.

South Norwood Lakes is a pleasant area to take a walk. Folks also go fishing there. Apparently there are some quite large carp. Then there's a small sailing club, a cricket pitch, football/rugby pitches, a bowling club, and there's a mini wood too. For a small lake there's a lot going on.

I definitely recommend this route.

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