Saturday, 3 October 2020

Photo of the day - 3: My own private cross country running league!

It's that time of year when up and down the country cross country leagues are beginning. With my first claim club, Serpentine Running Club, I do the Metropolitan League in North and West London. Nearer to home I take part in the Surrey League with my second claim club, South London Harriers. I have also run in the East Yorkshire League with East Hull Harriers too. In short, I do like cross country running! Unfortunately, Covid-19 restrictions have meant that racing was restricted, and although England Athletics have now given the go-ahead for socially distant events, the leagues don't find this workable so there aren't any cross country leagues taking place anywhere near me. But hey, no worries. I'll just do my own So today was my first round of the my own cross country league. And what better way to do it than on a rainy Saturday afternoon in Lloyd Park, Croydon! Actually, by the time I started it the rain had subsided and it was actually quite sunny. The mud didn't disappoint though. I will aim to do 10 cross country races around London, Surrey, and maybe further afield between now and mid-February. I am actually quite looking forward to it.

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