Friday, 9 October 2020

Photo of the day - 9: Skipping rope sessions and hula hooping


I always like to find a way of keeping my health and fitness regime interesting. One of the ways is by skipping and and doing hula hoop. I especially like skipping, which is something I have done since I was a teenager. It's the most efficient way of keeping fit as I don't have to do much of it before I am out of breath. It is also the exercise that has kept my legs in trim over my 50+ years! The hula hoop is also a very useful tool. It is great for the waistline and mid-riff in general. The thing about both of these activities is that they are fun, and for me when I do them they don't feel like real sport or exercise - just playing around really. Interestingly, many people have taken up these exercises too since lockdown. So I must be doing something right! While out skipping in my local park today I had a bit of an audience from some young kids, who were quite fascinated by what I was doing. It looked as though they would have abandoned their bikes to have a go at what I was doing! That actually makes me think I must be cool - that's weird! And I always thought it's we oldies that want to do what the young'uns are doing!

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